WARNING: You can’t “un-see” what you’re about to see.

32% of working Americans have medical debt.

It doesn’t need to be that way.

We have privately contracted with LabCorp to provide extremely affordable out-of-pocket costs for our members.

How do we do this?

First, we circumvent insurance and get cash prices, to save you money. Then we have the lab directly bill our office. Since they don’t have to worry about non-payment, they offer a further tremendous discount which we pass on to you. Our labs are often at 90-95% discount to what you would typically pay.

Finally, we draw the blood in our office. That saves you a phlebotomy fee. It also saves you a trip to the lab and more hassle, waiting, and exposure to illness. One-stop shopping.


We are able to get all of these labs (see chart) for our Diamond members for $0 total, or $46 for our Gold and Under 40 members. These same labs would cost you $1,190 at a local hospital.

We are happy to answer any questions you have about how we can offer such cheap lab prices, but you should really be asking them why theirs are so expensive!


Lab Cost Comparison

We apologize that our lab costs are so low and that their lab costs are so high. It really makes this chart hard to read!

Kettering Health Network lab pricing.

Premier Health Network lab pricing. *HbA1c is not listed in their price list. We called and were told it was $77 for a cash price.

Simplicity Health DPC lab pricing


The chart shows our lab costs for a Platinum Tier patient compared with the costs at one of our local hospitals. Just because insurance “pays” for some of your testing, doesn’t mean it is cheaper. That percentage that they pay may still be far more expensive than it should cost!

Sample imaging cost comparison


Simplicity Health

Chest x-ray - $95

Echocardiogram - $179

Abdominal ultrasound - $150

CT chest - $250

CT abdomen/pelvis with contrast - $425

MRI knee - $350

MRI brain - $450

Radiology fees included

Hospital #1

Chest x-ray - $625

Echocardiogram - price not listed

Abdominal ultrasound - $1,465

CT chest - $2,956

CT abdomen/pelvis with contrast - $7,830

MRI knee - price not listed

MRI brain - $2,583

Extra radiology fees apply

Hospital #2

Chest x-ray - $623

Echocardiogram - $3,554

Abdominal ultrasound - $1,670

CT chest - $998

CT abdomen/pelvis with contrast - $4,204

MRI knee - price not listed

MRI brain - $3,409

Extra radiology fees apply